Monday, June 14, 2010

The Doctor is in....

I got this awesome idea. I'm gonna do a weekly update for a story I've been writing based on a horror dungeon my good friend Michael Jackson conjured up. This particular story is from the perspective of my character, The Doctor. The Doctor is a mystery to his companions and the rest of the town. His black cloak covers the whole of his body and darkness drifts off of any partially revealed skin. Michael was particularly good at raping our minds with his cock. Anyways, hope you enjoy the story.

 The Tomb of Taint: The Doctor's perspective

As I sat uncomfortably in the tavern chair, the gazes of my soon-to-be peers said it all. They wanted to find out what was under my robes. They all wonder that in the beginning. Around me sat 3 adventurers recruited much like I was. Sitting directly in front of me was a woman of average height. She seemed sneaky; I could've sworn I saw her take something out of a man's pocket. With her black hair, green eyes, and slender body, she was a fine specimen indeed. I estimate she weighs about one-hundred and thirty pounds, with a waist length of 27.5 inches. To my right was a kobold with his red skin and yellow stripes. I never did like Kobolds, too weedy. Last of all, across the table next to the woman sat a strong male, zealous type. He had a sort of gruff, savage look to him and he seemed cocky, I don't think I'll much like this man. And myself? Well, I'll say I'm not the most attractive... man, you'll meet. All that was visible was my dark robe. Next to me were my two faithful companions. My dog Spot, and my servant Stitches. Stitches was shrouded in darkness, for good reason. But Spot was not. The tentacles drooping off of his face like moss in a swamp constantly twitched, and the orifices on his back seeped a fluid that was an odd green and smelt of death. "I believe introductions are in order. I am Melina, let me order my new friends some drinks." the woman said in a think accent I wasn't familiar with and promptly after she called to the bartender for 4 ales. "Francis here." the strong man said valiantly, his gaze averting directly to me before sitting down, a look of curiosity still lingering upon his face. The Kobold seemed content as he said enthusiastically,” I am Ober Fikellen-born. It is nice to meet you all.” So much confidence and optimism at this table. The group averted their gaze to me, and I simply said "You may call me Doctor." "Quite the mysterious one you are eh? Ahahaha!" Francis chuckled heartily before grabbing one of the arriving drinks and sloshing it down like he hadn't drank in weeks. This man is annoying, I don't think I'll use any anesthesia on him. Quite a waste in my opinion.

A man approached the table and got the groups attention. “You were all contacted for your own special abilities and I have no doubt that they will come in quite handy throughout your venture into the pits and swirling darkness that are rumored to be there. Death, mayhem and taint ring all throughout this land but none seems more so than here. You will find the entrance not far from here, a few miles west or so from this very tavern. You may loot, destroy, murder or harm any that you need to for my desire is for one thing. The rubies, they are rumored to be powerful and I want them for my own. Return with them and I shall reward you heartily. I recommend you leave tomorrow morning, until then you may get to know each other. I’m sure some of you have met before and others haven’t. I on the other hand must go but before I do take this.” He throws a small pocket watch down onto the table. “This thing seems to have kept my family alive through countless assassination attempts. It has some lucky property to it and hopefully you’ll come back and return it to me upon getting those rubies." These words will come from a pale, emotionless man staring forward with a blank stare. His hair black and very well kept; his clothes are plain, certainly elegant. His fingers lay laced together on the table, his nails well manicured. Everything about this man seems plain yet elegant but above all he seems clean. Of course the environment seems far from it. The barman cleans a mug with a dirty rag and the bar seems to be built from rotting wood. The slight sound of dripping water sounds off in the distance. The light is low and gloom seems apparent. It is empty all around leaving only your group, the bartender and the pale, clean aristocrat. "So, any questions?" Francis raised his hand. "Yes, why are people around here so odd?" He said somewhat jokingly. "Well as you can imagine people have been through a lot of dark things in their lives."The pale man said with a grim look upon his face, "In this day and age, mystery surrounds even the simplest of things, and death waits around every corner." Actually, I prefer a more direct approach. No corners. "Even this simple town has a somewhat creepy aura to it." "A lot of things are... Creepy.", I interjected. Francis cocked his head and said "Well, nothing I've seen can compare to how creepy you are!" What an insolent whelp. "It's bad luck to talk badly about others." As his mug shattered in his hands, all he heard was a snap. As he shot me dirty glances, I noticed his eyes. This one is much too inquisitive. Hasn’t he ever heard of the old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat?” 

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