Monday, June 14, 2010

Album of the Week!

So I'm a bit late but it's alright. This week I bring to you......

The Deprecation Guild- In her gentle jaws


The Depreciation Guild is a fuzzed-out, reverb drenched pop/electronic group consisting of Kurt Feldman (guitar, vocals, programming), Christoph Hochheim (guitar, vocals), and Anton Hochheim (drums). Backed solely by a Nintendo Entertainment System, the band blankets their sound with the crushing blows of its 8-Bit 2A03 sound chip. Drawing inspiration from classic dream-pop bands such as Pale Saints, and Cocteau Twins, as well as 80’s synth-pop masters such as Bill Nelson, Gangway, Scritti Politti and YMO, The Depreciation Guild have artfully cultivated a unique sound that strikes a balance between progressive and retro-chic.

For those of you who don't know what shoegaze is.

Shoegazing is a style of rock that emerged from the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. It lasted until the mid 1990s, peaking circa 1990 to 1993.

The British music press (notably NME and Melody Maker) called this genre “shoegazing” because the musicians in these bands often maintained a motionless performing style, standing on stage and staring down at their effects pedals while playing their instruments (hence, the idea that they were gazing at their shoes). The shoegazing sound featured extensive use of guitar effects, and indistinguishable vocal melodies that blended into the creative noise of the guitars. Few shoegazers were dynamic performers or interesting interviewees, which prevented them from breaking through into markets in the United States. A lump description given to shoegaze bands in London in the early 1990s was “The Scene That Celebrates Itself.” In the 1990s, shoegaze groups were pushed aside by the likes of American and , forcing bands to breakup or evolve into a different style. Recent times have seen a renewed interest in the genre, among so-called “” bands.

An amazing band fusing two of my favorite genres, shoegaze and chiptune. Their 8-bit sounds come from an NES system so it can be played while the band does their thing. I know you'll all enjoy it.

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