Monday, August 23, 2010

The Phoenix Analogy

Like a Phoenix from the ashes I have arisen! I've been missing from the blogging scene if you haven't noticed. If you haven't noticed I am extremely worried about you actually. So yes, I am back on the blogging scene with full strength! My friends moving away gives me a lot more incentive to be blogging again. I do enjoy it, it's just the fact that I have to stop being such a bum and actually come on here and ramble. Come to think of it, I haven't done much of anything at all this whole summer. Eh, as long as I'm back that's all that matters right!? So, now that I'm back in the swing of things I've gotten back into playing the piano and making the chiptunes. So expect some songs featuring both of them. I have to make some songs before I call myself an artist so I have to jump on that. I really did enjoy my summer. It was filled with beaching, donuts and hot dogs, and most importantly of all me falling on my ass skim boarding. In more recent Cameron related news, I went to the fair with Olivia yesterday and had a lot of fun with her. We got Pokemon hats! I got the Turtwig one and she got an Ash hat. My hat is illustrated in the handy-dandy picture above. I really want to teach piano lessons actually. First I need to make a really nice flyer that I can hang up everywhere and people will be impressed with it. I'll teach them up to second level and then I can refer them to my old piano teacher. On another note, I need to buy a web cam so I can chat with my buddies in their new dorms! I will send them my campaigns and stories that I write so they can play their new gaming buddies through them. And in return they can show their new friends my chiptune so I can get publicity! As soon as I make some that is, haha. Well, I would like to save some stuff for next time so that's it for now! Till next time!

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